Fedora Remix


This project is a Fedora Remix and aims to offer a complete system for multipurpose usage with localization support. You can build a live image and try the software, and then install it in your PC if you want.

Other goals of this remix are:
  • common extra-repos
  • multimedia apps
  • office automation support (printers and scanners)
  • and more...

Functional layers

The remix is based on layers, following a matrioska approach. Each layer is built on top of another, using the %include command in kickstart files. Current layers (ordered by level) are:

Layer Description
base Common system settings (like fonts and language) and basic drivers/libraries
desktop Desktop environment (like KDE or GNOME) with multimedia support and basic tools (like editor and file manager)
workstation Workstation with office suite and support for printers/scanners

Localization is treated as an addon which can be added to each layer.


One of the main goals of the project is to get a working system for most people, without further effort. A system for common users and common situations like home and office. Linux offers different environments, with different focus like simplicity or flexibility. Users are different and have different technical skills (from basic to advanced). So different editions are supported, to fit common scenarios: they can vary during time. The following are examples:

GNOME - simple and elegant
The default choice of Fedora Linux, designed to be easy to use:
  • Software - tool for installing apps and updates
  • Videos - browse and play media contents
  • GSConnect - connect smartphone and desktop
KDE - highly customizable
A powerful and customizable approach to desktop usage, with all the components well integrated:
  • Dolphin - complete and versatile file-manager
  • KCM Settings module - set preferences for many aspects
  • KDE Connect - connect smartphone and desktop